Peer Counseling

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Peer Counseling


Peer Counselors are persons with disabilities who are uniquely qualified to help others by sharing similar experiences and serving as a role model. ACIL has several individuals with disabilities willing to discuss issues and concerns that many other people wouldn't understand. This service is available one-on-one or in a group setting. We even have peer counselors who are available to talk with people with a disabilities who are currently in a nursing home or hospital. Peer counselors share and exchange various types of helpful information - with discussion topics ranging from where to get medical supplies to dealing with depression and adjusting to a disability. These discussions can often be helpful simply by letting the person with a disability know that they are not the only one dealing with a particular problem or situation. If you are a person with a disability and would like more information or counseling, please contact Meredith PrideMeredith Pride at (304) 965-0376 or meredithacilwv@yahoo.com.

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