Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness Image

๏ปฟACIL believes that everyone should be prepared and have a plan to be prepared in case of an emergency. Every person should have enough food and water to sustain them for 72 hours. For more information on making a plan, go to www.ready.gov/make-a-plan or www.ready.gov/individuals-access-functional-needs.

Emergency Preparedness for Students in School

Being prepared for an emergency or natural disaster is very important, even if they happen in school. Administrators, teachers, staff, parents and students can work together to promote and maintain school-wide safety and minimize the effects of emergencies and other dangerous situations. Here are a few resources to help those in a school community prepare for various natural disasters and other emergencies to stay safe. Community for Accredited Online Schools explains what disasters may strike in your area and how to prevent, prepare, respond, and recover in the face of emergencies and disasters. Click here to learn more about Emergency Preparedness in School! Student Training & Education in Public Service is a resource for how students can prepare for natural disasters and other emergencies by developing their own disaster preparedness plan, why they should care about being prepared, and what other resources are available to help. Click here to learn more about Disaster Planning and Emergency Preparedness for Students!

ACIL has taken the lead role in the area of emergency preparedness to ensure that plans include people with disabilities. Prior to our involvement there was no consideration given to the needs of persons with disabilities in the areas of communication, accessible transportation and accessible shelters. We have partnered with groups such as:

  • FEMA
  • Kanawha Putnam Emergency Planning Committee (KPEPC)
  • Kanawha County Office of Emergency Management / Homeland Security
  • WV Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD)
  • Ready WV
  • West Virginia Region 1 Long Term Disaster Recovery Group
  • Multi-Aging Planning and Advisory Committee
  • Kanawha Charleston Health Department

Get Notified in Times of Emergency

Kanawha County Metro 911, to better contact the public in times of emergency, uses the SWIFTREACH emergency communication system. This system will send messages to your land line, cell phone or email in times of emergency or for monthly tests. To register or get more information go to www.metro911.org/oes/oes.

Emergency Supply List

You can take steps to decrease the impact of a disaster by planning in advance and learning about potential threats. It is important to make sure that your plans are adequate for your family’s situation. Practice your plans regularly. Having a basic kit on hand to sustain yourself and your family after an emergency is an essential part of preparation. Think first about basic survival needs: fresh water, food, clean air, and warmth. Store your supplies in a portable container as close as possible to an exit and review the contents of your kit at least once a year. Include in your kit:

  • 3-day supply of water: at least 1 gallon per person per day
  • 3-day supply of non-perishable food
  • Manual can opener and eating utensils
  • Supplies to care for your pets including 3-day supply of food and water, ID tags, proof of vaccinations, and veterinarian contact information
  • Medications
  • Assistive Technology (AT)
  • Flashlight
  • Portable, battery-powered radio
  • Extra batteries
  • Basic first aid kit and manual
  • Warm clothing and blankets
  • Whistle
  • Filter face masks (N95 rating)
  • List of emergency contact information
  • Photocopies of important documents (birth certificate, licenses, insurance information, etc.)
  • Cash and coins
  • Sanitation and hygiene items (hand sanitizer, moist towelettes, feminine hygiene products, toilet paper, etc.)
  • Household chlorine bleach and medicine dropper: 9 parts water to 1 part bleach can be used as a disinfectant, 16 drops of bleach to 1 gallon of water can be used to treat water in an emergency (do not use scented, color safe, or bleaches with added cleaners)

Smoke Detectors

Smoke detectors are a important piece to prevent an in-home emergency and loss due to fire and every home should have one. If you are in need of a smoke detector, contact ACIL or your local fire department today!

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