Information and Referral Services

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Information and Referral Services


The Appalachian Center for Independent Living, Inc provides information about community resources that are available to people with disabilities. We provide information and referrals directly to people with disabilities, and we provide information to other interested people such as family members, friends, employers and service providers.

We provide disability-related information and referrals about:

  • Disability Rights and the ADA
  • Benefits - SSI / SDI
  • Housing Issues
  • Transportation
  • Counseling and other supports
  • Personal Assistance Services
  • Independent Living Centers in other areas
  • A wide variety of other disability related issues

If you have a question about a particular disability, disability in general, community resources available to people with disabilites, or local service providers that work with people with disabilites then it is likely that one of the CIL's I&R Specialists can give you the information that you seek. Meredith Pride at (304) 965-0376 or meredithacilwv@yahoo.com.

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