ADA Compliance -

Why Bother?

ADA Compliance

Reasons for Accessibility

  • to bring your business into compliance with the law
  • 20% of West Virginia's population has a disability and represents potential customers
  • the aging population also uses accessible features to patronize businesses
  • savvy customers research accessibility of places before they go
  • most accommodations require little investment

Common Mistakes

Appalachian Center for Independent Living, Inc. - Fee Schedule

Access Routes

  • Width
  • Slope
  • Access
  • Barriers

Access to Goods

  • Signage
  • Aisle Clearence
  • Clutter
  • Counters
  • Flooring
  • Counters


  • Access
  • Height of Fixtures
  • Grab Bars
  • Floor Space


  • Signage
  • Door Handles & Swings
  • Door Openings
  • Thresholds


  • Number of Spaces
  • Clear Access & Path
  • Van Accommodation

What is an Accessibility Survey?

Our survey team would perform an on-site review of all your company's "public space".

  • ...identifying elements that do not comply with the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design - and other relevant standards
  • ...prioritizing barrier removal in accordance with Department of Justice guidelines
  • ...suggesting simple, cost-effective solutions to common access mistakes
  • ...distinguishing between elements that require immediate attention - and those elements that need only be upgraded during future alterations
  • ...providing a detailed report of its findings, with solutions to rectify the problem areas

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